What struck me was the similarities between the conflicts in Somalia and the DRC:

2- Both countries were colonized by Europeans, although the genocide of King Leopolds Congo "Free" State was surely more devastating than the random assortment of Somali colonizers.
3- Both nations had nationalist post-independent leaders who were soon after replaced by dictators (Mobutu and Barre). After decades in power, these dictators were overthrown by popular uprising.
4- Both populations now feel the dictators weren't so bad after all, considering the chaos that has resulted.
5- Both nations are rich in natural resources (Somalia's have yet to be really exploited).
7- The discourse about how to resolve the troubles in these countries always involves a role for outside actors, when in fact it will take the people themselves to advocate on their own behalf, and bring about positive change.
God bless both countries, the people have suffered long enough.